Alex Opri Composite MTA Boomerangs

Alex Opri Composite MTA Boomerangs

Today I would like to share with you a little story. A story about passion, research, craftsmanship, and love for boomerangs: Alex Opri Composite project. Building composite boomerangs is not an easy task as many of you should know. Materials, techniques, and tuning...
Carbon fiber boomerangs?

Carbon fiber boomerangs?

Why use a carbon fiber boomerang? The answer is not simple, since there are many reasons. In competitions you can find many competitors that use carbon boomerangs and others do not, specially for MTA and Long Distance. I will try to explain what carbon fiber is, and...
Interview with Manuel Schütz

Interview with Manuel Schütz

Manuel Schütz has been rising the bar in the boomerang sport for so many years: his Long Ditance records during the 90´s and then his individual World Champion Title in Australia 2000 were just the beggining of a legendary carreer. Manuel has been a reference for many...
MTA Paradise

MTA Paradise

Throwing an MTA boomerang is a joyful experience. The nature of its flight, the hovering, the running, the catch. All these things make throwing a MTA boomerangs so special. Last weekend I met my team mates in Switzerland for a training camp, as a process for warming...
MTA Boomerangs: ¿Autorotation?

MTA Boomerangs: ¿Autorotation?

Bernoulli and Isaac Newton Can we merge this two approaches for explaining lift? It is true that air, when surrounding an airfoil travels faster on one side than on the other, the pressure of air in the area where it moves faster is smaller than in the area where it...