Material: Pertinax

Span: 30.5 cm

Weight: 22g

Author: Günter Möller

Origin: Germany

Note: In 1991, when Axel Heckner did his phenolic MTA, Günter started to play around with his shape and make it less straight. This resulted in the PAFF – Pertinax Axel FFreestyle. 2 F for Freestyle. There is also the Paff III with a longer arm 1 which is easier to throw. Lower throwing was possible. Still great times and not so much crashing. After some time, People did not throw the Paff II anymore – most don’t even know it-

In Albuquerque 2018, John Flynn used the Paff III during the Individuals, also Olli Rau used it too at the  German Nationals.

Item# 49